ISO 2363:1972

Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use — Determination of oxides of nitrogen — 2,4- Xylenol spectrophotometric method ISO 2363:1972

Publication date:   Nov 1, 1972

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   May 27, 2002

General information

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   May 27, 2002


ISO/TC 47 Chemistry

International Standard

71.060.30   Acids



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The method ia applicable of oxide of nitrogen contents equal to or greater than 0,00002 % (m/m). The principle is based on oxidation of nitrous nitrogen to nitric nitrogen by potassium permanganate. Reaction of nitric nitrogen with 2,4-xylenol under specified conditions to form a nitrate derivate. Distillation of the nitrate derivate and absorption in sodium hydroxide solution. Spectrophotometric measurement of the yellow coloured nitrophenol at a wavelength of about 445 nm.

Life cycle


ISO 2363:1972
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
May 27, 2002