ISO 22548:2021

Ships and marine technology — Performance test procedures for LNG fuel gas supply systems (FGSS) for ships ISO 22548:2021

Publication date:   Jun 2, 2021

General information

60.60 Standard published   Jun 2, 2021


ISO/TC 8/SC 3 Piping and machinery

International Standard

47.020.99   Other standards related to shipbuilding and marine structures



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This document specifies evaluation methods of characteristics such as pressure, flow rate, temperature and system stability of fuel gas supply systems (FGSS), which are manufactured to use vaporized liquefied natural gas (LNG) or boil-off gas as fuel gas supply to the vessel's gas consumers. It is applicable to evaluate the performance of the LNG FGSS: (1) prior to delivery or after installation on board a ship, and (2) to assure the system characteristics are taken into account for the entire gas consumers during ship’s gas trial or sea trial.

Life cycle


ISO 22548:2021
60.60 Standard published
Jun 2, 2021