ISO 2222:1972

Formaldehyde solutions for industrial use — Limit test for inorganic sulphates ISO 2222:1972

Publication date:   Dec 1, 1972

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   May 27, 2002

General information

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   May 27, 2002


ISO/TC 47 Chemistry

International Standard

71.080.80   Aldehydes and ketones



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The specified method is applicable when the required limit is not greater than 0,1 % and not less than 0,001 %. If the required limit lies outside that range, the mass of the test portion should be changed. The principle ot the test consists in comparison of the turbidity obtained by the addition of barium chloride solution to a solution of the sample, in the presence of hydrochloric acid, with that similarly produced from a sulphate solution of known concentration.

Life cycle


ISO 2222:1972
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
May 27, 2002