ISO 16355-4:2017

Applications of statistical and related methods to new technology and product development process — Part 4: Analysis of non-quantitative and quantitative Voice of Customer and Voice of Stakeholder ISO 16355-4:2017

Publication date:   Feb 16, 2017

General information

90.93 Standard confirmed   Aug 25, 2022


ISO/TC 69/SC 8 Application of statistical and related methodology for new technology and product development

International Standard

03.120.30   Application of statistical methods



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ISO 16355-4:2017 describes the analysis of the voice of the customer (VOC) and the voice of the stakeholder (VOS). These include translation of VOC and VOS into true customer needs, prioritization of these needs, and competitive benchmarking of alternatives from the customer's perspective. This document also provides recommendations on the use of the applicable tools and methods.
Users of this document include all organization functions necessary to ensure customer satisfaction, including business planning, marketing, sales, research and development (R and D), engineering, information technology (IT), manufacturing, procurement, quality, production, service, packaging and logistics, support, testing, regulatory, and other phases in hardware, software, service, and system organizations.

Life cycle


ISO 16355-4:2017
90.93 Standard confirmed
Aug 25, 2022


ISO/AWI 16355-4