ISO 15928-4:2017

Houses — Description of performance — Part 4: Fire safety ISO 15928-4:2017

Publication date:   Aug 3, 2017

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Aug 14, 2023

General information

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Aug 14, 2023


ISO/TC 59/SC 15 Framework for the description of housing performance

International Standard

91.080.01   Structures of buildings in general | 13.220.99   Other standards related to protection against fire | 91.040.01   Buildings in general



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ISO 15928-4:2017 sets out a method for describing the fire safety performance of houses. It covers user needs, provides performance descriptions, and outlines evaluation processes. It includes the description of relevant parameters for early warning, fire suppression, fire containment, means of escape, control of structural behaviour, and emission and spread of fire effluent.
ISO 15928-4:2017 is intended for use in the evaluation of the design and construction of houses, in the international trading of houses or their sub-systems, and in developing risk-management tools for the protection of houses. It does not specify a level of performance and it is not intended to provide a design method and/or criteria.
ISO 15928-4:2017 does not cover the performance of houses exposed to wild fire.
NOTE 1 Structural safety and other performance attributes of a house are covered in other parts of the ISO 15928 series.
NOTE 2 The emission of smoke and hot gases from contents in the house when ignited can impact the fire safety performance of a house, but the type or nature of such contents brought into the house is not the subject of the evaluation process.
NOTE 3 The term "wild fire" is used to mean the concept of wild land fire, bush fire and unplanned burning in vegetative fuels, etc.

Life cycle


ISO 15928-4:2011


ISO 15928-4:2017
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Aug 14, 2023