ISO 15136-2:2006

Petroleum and natural gas industries — Progressing cavity pump systems for artificial lift — Part 2: Surface-drive systems ISO 15136-2:2006

Publication date:   May 17, 2006

General information

90.92 Standard to be revised   Aug 21, 2024


ISO/TC 67/SC 4 Drilling and production equipment

International Standard

75.180.10   Exploratory, drilling and extraction equipment



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ISO 15136-2:2006 provides requirements for the design, design verification and validation, manufacturing and data control, performance ratings and repair of progressing cavity pump surface drive systems for use in the petroleum and natural gas industry. ISO 15136-2:2006 is applicable to those products meeting the definition of surface drive systems. Additionally, informative annexes provide information on brake system selection, installation, and operation; and sucker rod selection and use.
Equipment not covered by ISO 15136-2:2006, unless integral by design, includes bottom drive systems, sucker rods, polished rod clamps, stuffing boxes, electrical controls, instrumentation, external power transmission devices, auxiliary equipment, such as belts, sheaves and equipment guards. These items might or might not be covered by other International Standards.

Life cycle


ISO 15136-2:2006
90.92 Standard to be revised
Aug 21, 2024


ISO/AWI 15136-2