ISO 14915-3:2002

Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces — Part 3: Media selection and combination ISO 14915-3:2002

Publication date:   Oct 10, 2002

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Dec 19, 2018

General information

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Dec 19, 2018


ISO/TC 159/SC 4 Ergonomics of human-system interaction

International Standard

35.200   Interface and interconnection equipment | 13.180   Ergonomics



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ISO 14915-3:2002 gives recommendations for, and guidance on, the design, selection and combination of interactive user interfaces that integrate and synchronize different media. It addresses user interfaces for applications that incorporate, integrate and synchronize different media. This includes static media such as text, graphics, images; and dynamic media such as audio, animation, video or media related to other sensory modalities. Detailed design issues within a single medium (e.g. the graphical design of an animation sequence) are only addressed as far as they imply ergonomic consequences for the user.

Life cycle


ISO 14915-3:2002
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Dec 19, 2018