IEC PAS 62282-6-150:2011 ED1

Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-150: Micro fuel cell power systems - Safety - Water reactive (UN Devision 4.3) compounds in indirect PEM fuel cells IEC PAS 62282-6-150:2011 ED1

Publication date:   Apr 21, 2011

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   May 15, 2023

General information

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   May 15, 2023


TC 105

Publicly Available Specification

27.070   Fuel cells



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IEC/PAS 62282-6-150:2011(E) covers micro fuel cell power systems using hydrogen produced from the reaction of an aqueous solution with solid UN Division 4.3 (water-reactive) compounds in indirect PEM fuel cell systems that are wearable or easily carried by hand, providing d.c. outputs that do not exceed 60 V d.c. and power outputs that do not exceed 240 VA.

Life cycle


IEC PAS 62282-6-150:2011 ED1
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
May 15, 2023