IEC 62290-3 ED2

Railway applications - Urban guided transport management and command/control systems - Part 3: System requirements specification IEC 62290-3 ED2

General information

50.60 Close of voting. Proof returned by secretariat   Jan 24, 2025


TC 9

International Standard

45.060.01   Railway rolling stock in general


IEC 62290‑3: 2025 specifies the system architecture for urban guided transport management and command/control systems (UGTMS) as defined in IEC 62290‑1 and IEC 62290‑2, and the allocation of functions and requirements defined in IEC 62290‑2 to the different UGTMS subsystems (designated as system constituents in IEC 62290‑1 and IEC 62290‑2), for use in urban guided passenger transport lines and networks.

The IEC 62290 series specifies the functional, system and interface requirements for the command, control, and management systems intended to be used on urban, guided passenger transport lines and networks.
These systems are designated herein as urban guided transport management and command/control systems (UGTMS). UGTMS cover a wide range of operations needs from non-automated (GOA1) to unattended (GOA4) operation. A line may be equipped with UGTMS on its full length or only partly equipped.

The IEC 62290 series does not specifically address security issues. However, aspects of safety requirements may apply to ensuring security within the urban guided transit system.
The main objectives of this series are as follows:
* to provide a baseline system description and functional requirements specification for a transport authority to use in a request for proposal,
* to provide recommendations for those transport authorities wishing to acquire an interoperable or interchangeable system.
It is the responsibility of the transport authority concerned to decide on how to apply the IEC 62290 series and to take into account their particular needs.

This document is applicable for new lines or for upgrading existing signalling and command control systems.
This document is applicable to applications using
* continuous data transmission,
* continuous supervision of train movements by train protection profile, and
* localisation by onboard UGTMS equipment (reporting trains), and optionally by external wayside (and optionally onboard) device.
The functional allocations of the UGTMS subsystems are mandatory (forming a sort of core system) or optional, according to the mandatory/optional functions and requirements defined in IEC 62290‑2.
This document is applicable as a basis to define FIS and FFFIS. For specific applications, some elements can be added to meet the requirements coming from additional functions or equipment.

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2019. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the last maintenance of IEC 62290‑1 is taken into account, in particular the changes made for describing the external environment of UGTMS;
b) the last maintenance of IEC 62290‑2 is taken into account, as IEC 62290‑3 is using the requirements defined in the latter. Therefore, the document reflects the deleted functions and requirements in IEC 62290‑2, and also the new functions and requirements.

Life cycle


IEC 62290-3:2019 ED1

IEC 62290-3:2019/COR1:2020 ED1


IEC 62290-3 ED2
50.60 Close of voting. Proof returned by secretariat
Jan 24, 2025