IEC 61158-5-18/FRAGF ED2

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-18: Application layer service definition - Type 18 elements IEC 61158-5-18/FRAGF ED2

General information

30.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged   Dec 11, 2020


TC 65/SC 65C

International Standard

25.040.40   Industrial process measurement and control | 35.100.70   Application layer | 35.110   Networking


IEC 61158-5-18:2010 provides common elements for basic time-critical and non-time-critical messaging communications between application programs in an automation environment and material specific to Type 18 fieldbus. The term “time-critical” is used to represent the presence of a time-window, within which one or more specified actions are required to be completed with some defined level of certainty. Failure to complete specified actions within the time window risks failure of the applications requesting the actions, with attendant risk to equipment, plant and possibly human life.
This part of IEC 61158 defines in an abstract way the externally visible service provided by the Type 18 fieldbus application layer in terms of
a) an abstract model for defining application resources (objects) capable of being manipulated by users via the use of the FAL service,
b) the primitive actions and events of the service;
c) the parameters associated with each primitive action and event, and the form which they take; and
d) the interrelationship between these actions and events, and their valid sequences.

Life cycle


IEC 61158-5-18/FRAGF ED2
30.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged
Dec 11, 2020