IEC 60068-2-70:2020(E) provides a standard method to determine the resistance of markings, lettering, surfaces and materials to abrasion arising from manual operation. The method is applicable to markings, lettering, surfaces and materials on flat or curved surfaces such as those that can occur on actuators and keyboards. The method can test the abrasion resistance in the presence of fluids, pastes, particles and other materials, singly or in combination.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1995. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
the title has been updated to include surfaces and materials to better define the scope of the test method;
the description of the test apparatus and its schematic drawing have been updated;
clarifications on test piston specifications including criteria for replacement have been added;
possible forces for the test piston, as well as rubbing path lengths have been updated and the range of cycle frequencies has been expanded;
the renewal cycle for the test fabric for the dry and wet test have been updated and more textiles have been added.
IEC 60068-2-70:1995 ED1
IEC 60068-2-70 ED2
Project deleted
Sep 20, 2022