99.60 Withdrawal effective Mar 9, 1993
CLC/SR 104 Environmental conditions, classification and methods of test
Harmonization Document
Introduction: This test is applicable to components equipment and other electrotechnical products hereinafter referred to as "specimens" which during transportation on the load-carrying platform of vehicles either not fastened down or with some degree of freedom may be subjected to dynamic stresses resulting from random shock conditions - The bounce test may also be used as a means of assessing the satisfactory design of a specimen so far as its structural integrity is concerned - In practice this test is primarily applicable to equipment-type specimens - Specification writers will find in clause 10 a list of details to be considered for inclusion in specifications and in Appendix A the necessary guidance - Object: To provide a standard procedure for determining the ability of a specimen to withstand specified severities of bounce
HD 323.2.55 S1:1989
Withdrawal effective
Mar 9, 1993
EN 60068-2-55:1993