50.98 Project deleted May 19, 2021
CEN/TC 128 Roof covering products for discontinuous laying and products for wall cladding
European Norm
91.100.60 Thermal and sound insulating materials
This document establishes requirements for factory-made structural double skin metal faced insulating panels, intended for installation as elements with interlocking or overlapping longitudinal joints in the following applications:
a) roofs (also for refurbishment);
b) external walls and wall cladding (e.g. on brick walls for refurbishment or sandwich panels on liner trays);
c) walls (including partitions) and ceilings within the building envelope.
It is essential that structural double skin metal faced insulating sandwich panels according to this document (FprEN 14509-2) fulfil the requirements of EN 14509.
This document (FprEN 14509-2) gives the basic rule for use of structural sandwich panels for structural applications including fixing of panels. The clarification of which application is structural needs to be given by national provisions. The stabilization parameters needed to contribute to stabilization of individual structural elements (supporting structure) as defined as structural class II according to EN 1993-1-3 are included.
The insulating core materials covered by this document are rigid polyurethane, expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam, phenolic foam, cellular glass and mineral wool. For the stabilization purposes only, the following insulation core materials are covered rigid polyurethane, mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene foam.
NOTE Polyurethane (PUR) includes polyisocyanurate (PIR).
Due to durability performance reasons, only coated face material of steel faces is used (both organic and metallic coating). Uncoated steel is not used as steel face material. Uncoated stainless steel, aluminium and copper can be used in visible faces of sandwich panels.
Panels with edge details that utilize different materials from the main insulating core are included in this document if there is no influence on mechanical performance of the panel.
Panels used in cold store applications are included in this document. Panels, put on the market as a component of a cold storage room, building and/or building envelope kit are excluded.
This document does not cover the following:
- sandwich panels with a declared thermal conductivity for the insulating core greater than defined in the relevant harmonized European Standards for insulation materials;
- products consisting of two or more clearly defined layers of different insulating core materials (multi-layered);
- curved panels;
- perforated panels;
- fixings under permanent tension load for ceilings;
- special type of fastening such as ‘T’ support for ceiling, threaded rods with clamps for wall, omega and clamps for wall and ceiling, injected joint with flashing and threaded rods for wall and ceiling;
- fasteners.
Legislation related to this standard
Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec
FprEN 14509-2
Project deleted
May 19, 2021