90.93 Standard confirmed Oct 15, 2008
CEN/TC 155 Plastics piping systems and ducting systems
European Norm
23.040.45 Plastics fittings
ISO 580:2005 specifies two methods for assessing the effects of heating on injection-moulded thermoplastics pipe fittings -- method A, using an air oven, and method B, using a liquid bath. In case of disagreement, method A is the reference method. ISO 580:2005 is applicable to cement-welded fittings as well as to flanged fittings and fittings incorporating elastomeric seals and to fittings consisting of the assembly of several moulded parts (e.g. union connectors). It is applicable to both pressure and non-pressure fittings.
Legislation related to this standard
Procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors
EN 763:1994
EN ISO 580:2005
Standard confirmed
Oct 15, 2008