60.60 Standard published Oct 12, 2022
CEN/TC 287 Geographic Information
European Norm
35.240.70 IT applications in science
This document specifies an extension to the Geospatial API for Features — Part 1: Core standard that defines the behaviour of a server that supports the ability to present geometry valued properties in a response document in one from a list of supported Coordinates Reference Systems (CRS).
Each supported CRS is specified by reference using a uniform resource identifier (URI).
This document specifies:
— how, for each offered feature collection, a server advertises the list of supported CRS identifiers;
— how the coordinates of geometry valued feature properties can be accessed in one of the supported CRSs;
— how features can be accessed from the server using a bounding box specified in one of the supported CRSs; and
— how a server can declare the CRS used to present feature resources.
EN ISO 19168-2:2022
Standard published
Oct 12, 2022