EN ISO 14820-2:2019

Fertilizers and liming materials - Sampling and sample preparation - Part 2: Sample preparation (ISO 14820-2:2016) EN ISO 14820-2:2019

Publication date:   Sep 19, 2019

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Aug 28, 2019


CEN/TC 260 Fertilizers and liming materials

European Norm

65.080   Fertilizers



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ISO 14820-2:2016 specifies methods for the reduction and preparation of samples of fertilizers and liming materials and sets out the requirements for sample preparation reports. It also specifies methods for the preparation of test samples and test portions from laboratory samples of fertilizer for subsequent chemical or physical analysis. It does not cover the preparation of samples for certain physical tests which require test portions of more than 2 kg. It is applicable to all fertilizers.
NOTE The term "fertilizer" is used throughout the body of this part of ISO 14820 and is taken to include liming materials unless otherwise indicated.

Life cycle


EN ISO 14820-2:2019
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Aug 28, 2019


Adopted from ISO 14820-2:2016 IDENTICAL