EN 61378-1:2011

Convertor transformers - Part 1: Transformers for industrial applications EN 61378-1:2011

Publication date:   Dec 16, 2011

General information

60.60 Standard published   Nov 11, 2011


CLC/TC 14 Power transformers

European Norm

29.180   Transformers. Reactors



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IEC 61378-1:2011(E) deals with the specification, design and testing of power transformers and reactors which are intended for integration within semiconductor converter plants. The scope of this International Standard is limited to application of power converters of any power rating. Typical applications are: thyristor rectifiers for electrolysis; diode rectifiers for electrolysis; thyristor rectifiers for large drives; thyristor rectifiers for scrap melting furnaces, and diode rectifiers feeding inverters for variable speed drives. The standard also covers the regulating unit utilized in such application as step down regulating transformers or autotransformers. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - addition of winding connections with phase displacement (30°); - addition of transformers with more than one active part in the same tank; - change of reference power definition; - addition of regulating transformer feeding converter transformer; - addition of considerations about current sharing and hot spot temperature in high current windings for various winding arrangements; - addition of transductors used for d.c. voltage regulation together with diode rectifiers. The contents of the corrigendum of January 2012 have been included in this copy.

Life cycle


EN 61378-1:2011
60.60 Standard published
Nov 11, 2011