30.98 Project deleted Sep 11, 2019
CEN/TC 402 Domestic Pools and Spas
European Norm
97.220.10 Sports facilities
This European Standard specifies requirements and test methods for circulation systems and is applicable to equipment used in domestic swimming pools and designed for the circulation of water (introduction and/or extraction).
This standard applies for swimming pools as defined in EN 16582-1 and will be read in conjunction with it.
This standard does not apply to:
- pools for public use covered by EN 15288-1;
- spas for domestic or public use;
- paddling pools according to EN 71-8;
- pre filtration;
- natural and nature like pools.
NOTE For filtration systems see prEN 16713-1 and for treatment systems prEN 16713-3.
EN 16713-2:2016
EN 16713-2:2016/prA1:2018
Project deleted
Sep 11, 2019