EN 16603-50-02:2014

Space engineering - Ranging and Doppler tracking EN 16603-50-02:2014

Publication date:   Jan 21, 2015

General information

90.60 Close of review   Mar 3, 2020



European Norm

49.140   Space systems and operations



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This Standard is applicable to spacecraft that are supported for ranging or Dop-pler tracking by direct links to Earth stations and to all related Earth stations (therefore, this Standard is not applicable for spacecraft supported by data relay satellites) operating within the Space Operation, Space Research and Earth Exploration Satellite services (therefore, this Standard is not applicable to the Meteorological Satellite service) as defined in ECSS-E-ST-50-05 clause 1.
Other space telecommunication services are not covered in this issue.
This Standard applies to projects with unprocessed ranging accuracies of 2,5ns to 30 ns (for conventional projects with tracking accuracies less stringent than these, CCSDS 401.0-B recommendations may be sufficient) and Doppler tracking accuracies of 0,1 mm/s to 1 mm/s. The analysis of compatibility between systems compliant with this standard and with the CCSDS recommendations is given in Annexes A.2 and A.3.
This document:
- Defines the requirements concerning spacecraft transponder and Earth sta-tion equipment for the purposes of ranging and Doppler tracking.
- Provides criteria by which the extent to which the accuracy of the measurements is influenced by equipment effects can be determined. This accuracy is different to the accuracy of the overall orbit determination process, which is also influenced by effects outside the scope of the standards, i.e. modelling of gravitational and non-gravitational forces, modelling of propagation effects, pre-processing and screening of data.
This standard may be tailored for the specific characteristics and constraints of a space project in conformance with ECSS-S-ST-00.

Life cycle


EN 16603-50-02:2014
90.60 Close of review
Mar 3, 2020


Adopted from ECSS-E-ST-50-02C IDENTICAL