EN 16603-50-01:2014

Space engineering - Space data links - Telemetry synchronization and channel coding EN 16603-50-01:2014

Publication date:   Jan 21, 2015

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Jul 6, 2022



European Norm

49.140   Space systems and operations



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This Standard establishes a common implementation of space telemetry channel coding systems.
Several space telemetry channel coding schemes are specified in this Standard. The specification does not attempt to quantify the relative coding gain or the merits of each scheme, nor the design requirements for encoders or decoders. However, some application profiles are discussed in Annex D. Performance data for the coding schemes specified in this Standard can be found in CCSDS 130.1 G 1. Annex G describes the related mission configuration parameters.
Further provisions and guidance on the application of this standard can be found in the following publications:
- ECSS-E-ST-50, Communications, which defines the principle characteristics of communication protocols and related services for all communication layers relevant for space communication (physical- to application-layer), and their basic relationship to each other.
- The handbook ECSS-E-HB-50, Communications guidelines, which provides information about specific implementation characteristics of these protocols in order to support the choice of a certain communications profile for the specific requirements of a space mission.
Users of this present standard are invited to consult these documents before taking decisions on the implementation of the present one.
This standard may be tailored for the specific characteristics and constraints of a space project in conformance with ECSS-S-ST-00.

Life cycle


EN 16603-50-01:2014
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Jul 6, 2022


EN 16603-50-21:2022


Adopted from ECSS-E-ST-50-01C IDENTICAL