EN 15312:2007/FprA1

Free access multi-sports equipment - Requirements, including safety and test methods EN 15312:2007/FprA1

General information

50.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged   Jul 6, 2010


CEN/TC 136 Sports, playground and other recreational facilities and equipment

European Norm

97.220.40   Outdoor and water sports equipment


This European Standard is applicable to free access multi-sports equipment and combinations intended for permanent installation (not temporary), which includes, but not exclusively, equipment for sports such as badminton, basketball, football, handball, hockey, table tennis, tennis, volleyball. This European Standard specifies requirements, including safety, for the equipment itself as well as for its installation, inspection and maintenance. This European Standard is applicable to multi-sports equipment in-tended for individual and collective public use primarily by children and teenagers. This type of equipment is not intended for use by very young children, e.g. less than 36 months. This European Standard is not applicable to playground equipment as defined in EN 1176-1, free access facilities used for roller sports equipment (see EN 14974), fitness trails, artificial climbing structures (see EN 12572).This European Standard does not deal with beach equipment, the ground surfaces the local environment and any feature outside the multi-sports equipment. This European Standard does not include any specific requirements other than for access and egress for disabled users.

Life cycle


EN 15312:2007


EN 15312:2007/FprA1
50.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged
Jul 6, 2010