99.60 Withdrawal effective Jul 15, 2009
CEN/TC 275 Food analysis - Horizontal methods
European Norm
67.050 General methods of tests and analysis for food products
This European Standard specifies a method for the detection of irradiated foods using photostimulated luminescence (PSL). The technique described here comprises an initial measurement of PSL intensity which may be used for screening purposes, and a calibration method to determine the PSL sensitivity to assist classification. It is necessary to confirm a positive screening result using calibrated PSL or another standardised (e.g. EN 1784 to EN 1788) or validated method.
The method has been successfully tested in interlaboratory trials using shellfish [1] and herbs, spices and seasonings. From other studies it may be concluded that the method is applicable to a large variety of foods [2], [3], [4], [5].
EN 13751:2002
Withdrawal effective
Jul 15, 2009
EN 13751:2009