99.60 Withdrawal effective Jul 6, 2023
CEN/CLC/WS EGNOSDK CEN/CENELEC Workshop on EGNOS enabled labelling and SDK validation
CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement
33.070.40 Satellite
The purpose of this document is to define a technical specification and the test suite in order to perform evaluation processes to guarantee that a product can be labelled as “EGNOS Enabled”.
The main goal of the EGNOS labelling scheme is to assess that user equipment uses EGNOS in their location and timing services. Therefore, the essential requirement for a product is to compute the EIPVT (EGNOS Improved Position Velocity Time).
The scope of the document is EGNOS capable products for mass market applications using EGNOS Open Service and/or EDAS. In the context of this CWA, mass market users are understood as non-safety/non-liability critical and non-professional users. The considered products are chipsets, terminals and applications.
CWA 16874:2015
Withdrawal effective
Jul 6, 2023