CWA 16052:2009

ICT Certification in Europe CWA 16052:2009

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Mar 13, 2013


CEN/WS ICT ICT/SKILLS Workshop (IT profiles and curricula)

CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement

35.240.99   IT applications in other fields


This CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) reports on the CEN e-Certification in Europe project, operating from March 2008 to July 2009. It follows on and updates an earlier HARMONISE project, conducted by CEPIS. It describes the e-certification market in Europe, relates it to the new e-Competence Framework, and includes recommendations to strengthen the operation of the market.
The project has created a set of “landscape maps” showing the main organisations involved in certification in some of the member states, and for the EU. These provide a useful tool to understand the certification scene in each country, which varies considerably because of legal, educational and cultural differences. We recommend that CEPIS undertake to extend and maintain these maps, using the template provided in this CWA.
The certification market worldwide continues to grow at around 25% per annum, with a worldwide cumulative total of 10 to 11 million. We have been unable so far to detect any slowdown resulting from the economic recession, nor to establish a figure for Europe alone. Even so, this figure substantially understates the total volume of related learning, because of the effect of non-assessed or unsuccessful candidates. We recommend an annual cycle of market statistics, including regional figures, to be operated by EITO and the ILB Certification Council, using the data sheet provided in this CWA.
This project now considers that earlier language describing e-certification, such as “certification jungle”, parallel universe” and “vital eco-system”, whilst convenient shorthand at the time, is now outdated. Certification should not be seen as being in competition with traditional education. A new understanding of the market structure sees education, training, certification, and experience as mutually supporting components of lifelong learning and professionalism.

Life cycle


CWA 16052:2009
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Mar 13, 2013


CWA 16052-2:2013