CWA 15262:2005

Inventory of Data Protection Auditing Practices CWA 15262:2005

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Dec 1, 2011


CEN/WS DPP DPP/WS WS on Data Protection and Privacy

CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement

35.030   IT Security


This inventory should contribute to recording best practice in the field of data protection or privacy audits. We have considered an 'audit' to be a systematic and independent examination with the objective to give assurance. This is different from a 'self assessment': although a self-assessment can be done using an audit framework, the most important difference is that a self-assessment is not carried out by an independent (internal or external) auditor. In stead a self-assessment can be done by e.g. a line manager, a business process owner or an application owner.

Life cycle


CWA 15262:2005
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Dec 1, 2011