99.60 Withdrawal effective Oct 28, 2015
CEN/WS MDC Metadata for Multimedia Information - Dublin Core
CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement
35.240.95 Internet applications
The current document is a further development of CWA 13988-2003. One of the issues that were identified with this earlier CWA was that it duplicated a great deal of information that was also available from the Web site of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI, [3]). At the time that the previous CWA was written, it did make sense to bring all information physically together in one place so that people who were considering implementing metadata systems based on Dublin Core had a comprehensive overview of all elements and other terms. In addition, the CWA contained a list of projects and descriptions of good-practice cases that would help implementers understand better what issues they needed to consider in implementing Dublin Core metadata, at the same time giving them access to people and projects that they could get in contact with if they so desired. However, the information contained in CWA 13988-2003 has gone out of date because of further developments within DCMI and the fact that projects of the time have been replaced by new projects.
The current document therefore uses a different approach. Wherever possible information is not copied from other sources but included in the form of pointers with a short summary of the scope and content of the information that can be found following the pointer. When changes occur in the source material, the pointers will automatically point to the latest version of the documentation. The persistence policy of DCMI will ensure the long-term availability of documents.
Much of the current document can be seen as a roadmap to DCMI documentation, including the semantic and technical specifications and recommendations, as well as the organisation structure and procedures of DCMI itself.
The purpose of the information presented here is to provide an overview of documentation and answers to a number of questions that implementers may have.
CWA 15244:2005
Withdrawal effective
Oct 28, 2015