99.60 Withdrawal effective Dec 3, 2010
CEN/WS 012 Humanitarian Mine Action - Test and Evaluation - Demining Machines
CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement
95.040 Military engineering
Test standardisation for demining machines will support the development of new demining tools and methods and make it easier to compare different existing tools and products. Standardisation will also significantly improve the efficiency of demining programs. The benefits of agreed-upon specifications are world-wide and urgently needed.
The CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) which follows is the result of a Swedish EOD and Demining Center (SWEDEC) initiative, with participation from the Croatian Mine Action Center (CROMAC), Croatian Mine Action Center- Center For Testing, Development and Training (CROMAC-CTDT Ltd) and the Geneva International Center For Humanitarian Demining (GICHD). This result culminated in European Commission funding of a workshop to develop a CWA for testing of mechanical demining machines. The CWA was developed under SWEDEC leadership and secretariat at SIS over four (4) workshop meetings in Sweden and Croatia. The development was supported by the following who provided knowledgeable experts in demining equipment testing: International Test and Evaluation Programme (ITEP), countries: (Canada, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States of America) and the ITEP Secretariat; two (2) governmental organisations (CROMAC, GICHD); two (2) government agencies ( Swedish Rescue Services Agency (SRSA) , Swedish Defence Research Agency, (FOI); two (2) non-governmental organisations (Norwegian Peoples Aid, International Trust Fund For Demining and Mine Victims Assistance), three (3) equipment manufacturers (Scandinavian Demining Group, DD Special Vehicles Ltd, Dok Ing d.o.o.) and one (1) government laboratory (Bundesanstalt Für Materialprüfung). It was developed within a framework contract between CEN and EU DG AIDCO.
CWA 15044:2004
CWA 15044:2009
Withdrawal effective
Dec 3, 2010