99.60 Withdrawal effective Oct 28, 2015
CEN/WS KMA Knowledge Management
CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement
03.100.99 Other standards related to company organization and management
Culture is perhaps the most important factor in successfully managing knowledge. It is a key influence on
behaviours. This booklet looks at what culture is, how it develops and how you can work with it to ensure your
KM programme is successful. It attempts to give some answers to:
1) How to get the support and active involvement of the members of the organization (issues related to
human resources: motivation, competencies, etc).
2) How to organize for the implementation of KM (issues related to the formal and informal structure of
the organization).
3) How to get the appropriate climate for KM implementation (issues related to specific activities and tools
to be used).
This booklet looks at changes in culture that may be needed to enhance and gain greater value from
knowledge; developing a greater understanding of culture and how it is derived from the actions of individuals
and groups; ways in which address changes required might be addressed, and some examples from other
organizations to illustrate some of the points. The booklet ends with a summary of learning points and a
checklist of competencies that may need to be developed.
It introduces a large number of concepts and approaches. These will prove of greater benefit if the sources of
further reading cited below are also consulted, and contact taken with experienced practitioners through KM
collaboration groups.
This booklet looks at what culture is, how it develops and how you can work with it to ensure your KM
programme is successful.
CWA 14924-2:2004
Withdrawal effective
Oct 28, 2015