CWA 14911:2004

Cyber Identity: Specification of a Top Level Service (TLS) for verifying identifiers CWA 14911:2004

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Apr 25, 2012


CEN/WS ECO Electronic Commerce

CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement

35.240.30   IT applications in information, documentation and publishing


This document defines the specifications for a Top Level Service (TLS). A TLS is a directory and an associated application to resolve unique, hierarchic identifiers. Identifiers are prefixed with an International Code Designator (ICD) as a meta-identifier to provide unambiguous identification of organizations and entities thereof. Such an ICD value identifies a specific registration scheme which an Issuing Organization (IO) is responsible for. This IO vouches for a certain quality of its registration service. A specific TLS-provider cooperates with IOs, whose registration schemes fulfill its registration requirements. The TLS procedure is applicable to existing registration schemes and schemes to be defined

Life cycle


CWA 14911:2004
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Apr 25, 2012