99.60 Withdrawal effective Nov 3, 2004
CEN/WS FUN Furniture Product and Business Data
CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement
35.240.50 IT applications in industry | 35.240.63 IT applications in trade
The present document presents the Application Activity Model -AAM- of the funStep. The Application Activity Model consists of a structured graphical representation of the main activities developed within the application scope and the information, materials and resources of such activities. IDEF0/SADT is the methodology recommended to be adopted when developing an ISO10303 Application Protocol, and it is the one used for the development of the Application Activity Model of funStep AP (ISO 10303 - AP236).
The application activity model is provided to aid in the understanding of scope and information requirements defined in the application protocol. The model is presented as a set of definitions of both the activities and the data and a set of activity diagrams. It covers activities that go beyond the subject of this application protocol.
The model to describe has to be with the relationship among the furniture manufacturers and the commerce (retailers, major retailers and private customers).
The model refers to the Product definition to use in the Project model in order to allow the exchange of Product Libraries and Orders (decorating projects) including graphic information.
The purpose of the AAM model is the "Identification of the more important activities that are carried out in the manufacturer-customer relationship, in order to identify the most important information exchange between them".
The aim of IDEF0 model is to provide a global vision of the activities to be performed in the system, the information flow and the required resources.
The diagrams shown in the next pages contain the graphical model information. Activities or information with asterisk are out of the scope of interest of the system but are kept to give a global environmental view of the system.
CWA 14248:2001
Withdrawal effective
Nov 3, 2004