99.60 Withdrawal effective Oct 28, 2015
CEN/WS FIN Financial Transactional IC Card Reader
CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement
35.240.15 Identification cards. Chip cards. Biometrics
This document specifies the java virtual machine required to run FINREAD Card Reader Applications.
By java virtual machine, it is understood here not only the java virtual machine per se which is one of the
components of the java environment but also all java system libraries. The distinction between the different
components and the actual terminology used by the java community is recalled further in this document.
This document:
¾ gives an overview of the existing standards,
¾ describes the choices made for the FINREAD card reader java virtual machine,
¾ details the adherence with the java language and libraries,
¾ lists the maximum subset of java classes and methods that shall be used.
CWA 14174-6:2001
CWA 14174-6:2004
Withdrawal effective
Oct 28, 2015