99.60 Withdrawal effective Oct 28, 2015
CEN/WS FIN Financial Transactional IC Card Reader
CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement
35.240.15 Identification cards. Chip cards. Biometrics
The present document identifies the market needs for the FINREAD card reader that is driven by the intention of
the participating international institutes of the financial business and within the manufacturing industry. According to
the domains and applications, defined within the preceding documents, this document will point out the business
requirements, related to the secure use of IC cards issued by the banking industry.
In addition to the already existing or known requirements, this specification is open to future developments in the
addressed domains as much as possible. For the present CEN Workshop Agreement it is a requirement to provide
a specification that is as flexible as possible. This ensures that a FINREAD card reader will be capable of becoming
the standard platform for all security related applications in this area.
This document, describing the business requirements, is the basis for further documents, dealing with the exact
functional and security requirements.
Some of the herein requested requirements and mostly all of the security related requirements are contrary to
others, especially to those focussing on a low cost IC card reader. To solve this contradiction in an economical
way, the part 3 of this CWA - Security requirements will use a risk analysis to point out how the present CEN
Workshop Agreement takes this into account.
CWA 14174-1:2001
CWA 14174-1:2004
Withdrawal effective
Oct 28, 2015