CR 1750:1999

Identification card systems - Inter-sector messages between devices and hosts - Acceptor to acquirer messages CR 1750:1999

Publication date:   Jan 30, 2004

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Jun 17, 2020


CEN/TC 224 Personal identification and related personal devices with secure element, systems, operations and privacy in a multi sectorial environment

CEN Report

35.240.15   Identification cards. Chip cards. Biometrics | 35.240.70   IT applications in science



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This CEN Report specifies a common interface for the exchange of messages between card acceptors and acquirers or their agents. It defines the message structure, format and content, data elements, and values for data elements. It is based upon the same principle as EN 28583 (ISO 8583) and is intended to be used when EN 28583 is not appropriate. Where possible, data representation and communication related characteristics such as protocol, header and trailer information, and transmission control are outside the scope of thid CEN Report.

Life cycle


CR 1750:1999
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Jun 17, 2020