CR 14270:2001

European keyboards - Guidelines and overview (ISO/IEC 9995) CR 14270:2001

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Jun 17, 2020


CEN/TC 304 Information and communications technologies - European localization requirements

CEN Report

35.180   IT Terminal and other peripheral equipment | 35.260   Office machines


This CEN report gives information on (the European national keyboards) keyboards used for European languages and shows how national bodies are using the international keyboard standards. It also considers common existing approaches on the future of keyboards and informs on the future international standardization..

The scope for the project according to CEN/TC 304 N872 "A meeting on the Keyboard PT in Nov 1998" is the following:

EUROPEAN KEYBOARDS. The deliverable is a CEN report giving guidance on the application of international keyboard standards in Europe. It will map how national bodies are using international keyboard standards, what national standards there are and give guidance to common approaches. The team shall, in contact with ISO, investigate the future of keyboards. Special attention shall be given to the Euro Sign on keyboards.

The report addresses this scope as follows:
How national bodies are using international keyboard standards and guidance to common approaches is given in clause 5 and Annex 3
National standards are listed in Annex 2
The future of keyboard standardization is discussed in section 6
The euro sign on keyboards is discussed in clause 5.4.

Clause 4 in this report gives information on international standards for keyboards. Of these ISO/IEC 9995 and ISO 9241-4 are most commonly used. (For exact references see clause 7)
Clause 5 gives common information on the use of these standards and on the euro sign on keyboards.
Clause 6 gives some information on future standardization.
Annex 2 gives information from the National Bodies on keyboard standards used in their countries.
Annex 3 gives some more information on the layout of a number of keyboards for European languages.

The report is meant to give guidance to many parties:

· A country which decides to make its own keyboard standard may use it as background information on what other countries have standardized.

Life cycle


CR 14270:2001
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Jun 17, 2020