CEN/TS 1401-2:2020

Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity CEN/TS 1401-2:2020

Publication date:   Apr 21, 2020

General information

90.93 Standard confirmed   Sep 3, 2023


CEN/TC 155 Plastics piping systems and ducting systems

Technical Specification

23.040.01   Pipeline components and pipelines in general



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This document gives requirements and guidance for the assessment of conformity of formulations, products and assemblies in accordance with EN 1401 1 intended to be included in the manufacturer’s quality plan as part of the quality management system and for the establishment of third-party certification procedures.
NOTE 1 The quality management system is expected to conform to or is no less stringent than the relevant requirements to EN ISO 9001 [1].
NOTE 2 If third party certification is involved, the certification body is expected be compliant with either EN ISO/IEC 17065 [2] or EN ISO/IEC 17021-series [3], as applicable.
NOTE 3 In order to help the reader, a basic test matrix is given in Annex A.
In conjunction with EN 1401 1, this document is applicable to piping systems made of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) intended for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage:
- buried in ground outside the building structure (application area code “U”);
- both buried in ground within the building structure and outside the building structure (application area code "UD").

Life cycle


CEN/TS 1401-2:2012


CEN/TS 1401-2:2020
90.93 Standard confirmed
Sep 3, 2023


FprCEN/TS 1401-2