
Heating and cooling emission products - Input data for determining the temperature variation in relation to EN 15316-2 cen:proj:63591

General information

30.98 Project deleted   May 15, 2018


CEN/TC 130 Space heating and/or cooling appliances without integral thermal sources

European Norm


Considering that the new FprEN 15316-2:2016 gives the possibility of using input data from the product standards, it is proposed to define a new standard which comply with FprEN 15316-2:2016 itself. The new standard will provide a method for determining input data in conformity with FprEN 15316-2:2016 for the heating and cooling emission products covered by the following EN standards developed by TC 130:
- EN 442 Radiators and convectors;
- EN 1264 Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems;
- EN 14037 Ceiling mounted radiant panels supplied with water at temperature below 120 °C;
- EN 215 Thermostatic radiators valves;
- EN 16430 Fan assisted radiators, convectors and trench convector.

The aim is to develop methods for determination of temperature variations values as input data for FprEN 15316-2:2015 based on values taken from the above mentioned standards.

Life cycle


30.98 Project deleted
May 15, 2018