The types of emissions addressed by the standard will be primarily those related to fugitive and diffuse emissions from the storage of VOCs, to VOC loading and unloading processes, and from certain other industrial processes emitting to atmosphere. There are in general a number of methods for the detection and quantification of VOC emissions from diffuse, fugitive and other industrial sources. The current measurement methods that allow diffuse and fugitive monitoring for the detection and/or quantification of industrial source emissions and that should be covered in this proposed standard are:
Optical gas imaging techniques (OGI); Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) Monitoring; Solar Occultation Flux (SOF) Monitoring; Flux-Chamber Monitoring.
The standard will specify the more comprehensive use of the screening methods defined in EN 15446, and that these should be supported by real measurements at appropriate intervals. In particular, the standard will take account of on-going improvements of component scale screening using EN 15446 and optical gas imaging methods, complemented with remote monitoring campaigns using DIAL and SOF. This should give rise to a balanced and integrated approach in this standard.
Proposal for new project abandoned
Aug 7, 2017