This document defines the loading, the relevant load model positions and the internal forces of noise barriers caused by the air pressure wave of passing trains based on EN 1991-2 Eurocode 1, clause 6.6.2. The vertical and horizontal shape of the air pressure wave and the dynamic effects have been taken into account. The calculation method described in this document has been developed for noise barriers having a post-panel structure with pile foundations and can also be used for claddings attached to rigid structures. For pile-founded structures an empirical formula for the determination of the natural frequency is given in Annex A, and in Annex B an example of use is shown.
Legislation related to this standard
DIRECTIVE 2008/57/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 17 June 2008 on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (Recast)
Project deleted
Jan 11, 2013