
Sludge, treated biowaste, and soils in the landscape - Sampling - Framework for the preparation and application of a sampling plan cen:proj:35830

General information

30.98 Project deleted   Oct 4, 2011


CEN/TC 400 Horizontal standards in the fields of sludge, biowaste and soil

Technical Report


This European Standard specifies the procedural steps to be taken in the preparation and application of asampling plan. The sampling plan describes the method of collection of the laboratory sample necessary formeeting the objective of the testing programme. The principles or basic rules outlined in this EuropeanStandard provide a framework that can be used by the project manager to:
- produce standardized sampling plans for use in more regular or routine circumstances;
- incorporate the specific requirements of European and national legislation;
- design and develop a sampling plan for use on a case by case basis.
This European Standard is applicable to sampling of sludge, treated biowaste, and soil in the landscape.There might be a need for more than one sampling plan to meet all the requirements of the testing programme.Ultimately the sampling plan provides the sampler with detailed instructions on how sampling should becarried out.

Life cycle


30.98 Project deleted
Oct 4, 2011