
Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas - Design of onshore installations with a storage capacity more than 200 t at pressure higher than 0,5 bar cen:proj:29073

General information

30.98 Project deleted   May 12, 2016


CEN/TC 282 Installation and equipment for LNG

European Norm


This European Standard specifies requirements for the design and construction of onshore stationary liquefied natural gas (LNG) installations with a storage capacity more than 200 t at pressure higher than 0,5 barg. This standard is not applicable to liquefaction process facilities based on hydrocarbon refrigerants but it is applicable to LNG storage of the LNG liquefaction plant.
The installations to which this standard is applicable include the following:
- LNG satellite plants.
Peak shaving plants for supply pipelines in case of deficit of gas.
- LNG gas fuelling stations for vehicles (if applicable in case of >200 ton), which are subject of other specific standards (e.g. ISO 16924)
- LNG ship fuelling (bunkering) plants
- LNG hub (intermediate storage) for further distribution of LNG
- LNG storage at the natural gas liquefaction plants
- Combination of all above
The installation covers all equipment from the LNG inlet loading area to the gas outlet or the loading of LNG to truck, rail car, container, ship or vehicles, etc.
It is recalled that, in any case, local regulations prevail.

Life cycle


30.98 Project deleted
May 12, 2016