
Public transport - Interoperable fare management system - Part 2: Messaging

General information

30.98 Project deleted   Jul 7, 2004


CEN/TC 278 Intelligent transport systems

Technical Specification


This standard provides the basis for the development of multi-operator/multi-service Interoperable Public Transport Fare Management Systems (IFM).

The objective of this standard is to define a reference functional architecture for IFM systems and to identify the requirements that are relevant to ensure interoperability between several actors in the context of the use of electronic tickets.

The IFM system includes all the functions involved in the fare management process such as
- Management of Application
- Management of Products (dissemination, acquisition, use, collection and clearing of product data)
- Security management (data security, privacy scheme)
- Customer Management (customer relationship management, )
- inspection / enforcement
- reporting and monitoring

The work will benefit from the architecture work done in the Road Toll Collection (TC278/WG1) and other domains e.g. :
- ENV ISO 14904 "RTTT-Automatic Fee Collection-Interface specification for Clearing between Operators"
- proposed ENV ISO 17573 "RTTT Electronic Fee Collection, System architecture for vehicle related transport services"
- existing international data security standards
- ENV 12896 "RTTT- Reference data model" (Transmodel).

The media, the media issuing and the interface between the media and the acceptance device as well as the financial dimension of fare management systems are not in the scope of this standard.

Part 1 of the standard describes the following main elements:
- Identification of the different functional entities in relation to the overall fare management system.
- Definition of a generic model of IFM system describing the logical and functional architecture and the interfaces within the system and with other IFM systems.
- Use cases describing the interactions and data flows between the different functional entities.
- Description of security requirements.

Part 2 of the standard provides the messages between the Entities of the IFM System

Life cycle


30.98 Project deleted
Jul 7, 2004