ISO 1409:2020

Plastics/rubber — Polymer dispersions and rubber latices (natural and synthetic) — Determination of surface tension ISO 1409:2020

Publication date:   Aug 21, 2020

General information

60.60 Standard published   Aug 21, 2020


ISO/TC 45/SC 3 Raw materials (including latex) for use in the rubber industry

International Standard

83.040.10   Latex and raw rubber | 83.080.01   Plastics in general



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This document specifies two methods for the determination of the surface tension of polymer dispersions and rubber latices (natural and synthetic).
— Method A is the ring method (Du Noüy ring method).
— Method B is the plate method (Wilhelmy plate method).
Method A is suitable valid for polymer dispersions and rubber latices with a viscosity less than 200 mPa·s.
Method B is not suitable for polymer dispersions and rubber latices containing cationic surfactants.
Methods A and B are also suitable for prevulcanized latices and compounded material.
In case of dispute, the preferred method is method A (the ring method).

Life cycle


ISO 1409:2006


ISO 1409:2020
60.60 Standard published
Aug 21, 2020