
Thermal performance of buildings – In-situ measurement of building element or component in calorimeter test cell – Part 1: Data collection aggregate heat loss test cen:proj:73344

General information

00.98 Proposal for new project abandoned   Feb 2, 2024


CEN/TC 89 Thermal performance of buildings and building components

European Norm


8.1 General
This standard specifies testing procedures for the in-situ measurement of the thermal performance of a well-defined test element or component especially built for the purpose of testing.
The primary purpose of this test method is to establish the in-situ performance of an opaque test element, insulated in relationship with the intended use of the materials. This test will reflect the influence of design and climate parameters on the insulated building element / component in the test sample as part of the calorimeter test cell.

This test method seeks to establish the total heat loss from the test element under steady state internal conditions, by heating the calorimeter test cell in a highly controlled manner whilst simultaneously recording the weather conditions acting upon the test sample during the test period.
This Standard describes the apparatus to be used, the calibration procedure for the apparatus, the installation, the measurement procedures, the data to be collected and the reporting format for the apparatus including the building elements/ components and the test conditions. The analysis of the data and the reporting format for the analysis are referred to in Part 2 of this Standard.

8.2 Limits of application
• This test method concerns only building test elements composed of opaque building elements. The determination of the thermal performance of a specific building structure or whole building is outside the scope of this standard.
• This is principally a test of elements under winter conditions and is mainly appropriate to undertake the test when the environmental conditions would require heating of the test structure under normal occupancy. The average difference of temperature, ΔT, between external and averaged internal air temperature in the calorimeter test cell shall be a minimum of 10K for the duration of the complete test.
• This test method does not set specific conditions related to moisture, as moisture is a natural variant of weather and conditions of use. However, internal and external humidity levels are recorded during the test but not controlled, and summary values detailed in the report. Requirements are also given in in order to avoid abnormal humidity levels in the test sample.

8.3 Personnel qualifications
Test laboratories knowledgeable and/or experienced in the fields of building technology, building physics and measurement techniques shall carry out these tests. Particularly valuable is experience and knowledge of in-situ testing and/or the testing of thermal properties.

Related legislation

Legislation related to this standard


Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec

Life cycle


00.98 Proposal for new project abandoned
Feb 2, 2024