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Amendment 3 - Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Amendment 4 - Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Amendment 5 - Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Amendment 6 - Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Amendment 7 - Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Amendment 1 - Standard method of measuring the pinch temperature of quartz-tungsten-halogen lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Amendment 2 - Standard method of measuring the pinch temperature of quartz-tungsten-halogen lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Standard method of measuring the pinch temperature of quartz-tungsten-halogen lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Live working - Terminology for tools, devices and equipment

60.60 Standard published

TC 78

Amendment 1 - Lamps and light sources for road vehicles - Dimensional, electrical and luminous requirements

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Lamps and light sources for road vehicles - Dimensional, electrical and luminous requirements

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Miniature lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Amendment 1 - Miniature lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

Miniature lamps

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34A

DC or AC supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps - Performance requirements

60.60 Standard published

TC 34/SC 34C