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Hydraulic machines - Francis turbine pressure fluctuation transposition

60.60 Standard published

TC 4

Hydraulic machines - Francis turbine pressure fluctuation transposition

60.00 Standard under publication

TC 4

Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines – Hydraulic transient analysis, design considerations and testing

40.99 Full report circulated: DIS approved for registration as FDIS

TC 4

Guidance for installation procedures and tolerances of hydroelectric machines – Part 7: Horizontal Generator

20.99 WD approved for registration as CD

TC 4

Guidance for installation procedures and tolerances of hydroelectric machines – Part 8: Horizontal Francis Turbine

20.99 WD approved for registration as CD

TC 4

Technical Specifications for Digitalization of Operation and Maintenance in Hydropower Assets

20.99 WD approved for registration as CD

TC 4

Technical Specification for Black Start of Hydropower Plant

20.99 WD approved for registration as CD

TC 4

Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of machine vibration - Part 5: Machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pump-storage plants

60.60 Standard published

TC 4

Technical specification for joint control of hydropower plants

10.20 New project ballot initiated

TC 4

Adjustable speed pumped storage system

10.20 New project ballot initiated

TC 4

Hydraulic Machines - Technical Specification for Pressure Fluctuation Transposition - Part 3:Reversible Pump-turbine

00.00 Proposal for new project received

TC 4

Guide for computer-based control for hydroelectric power plant automation

60.60 Standard published

TC 4