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Safety of laser products - Part 8: Guidelines for the safe use of lasers on humans

60.60 Standard published

TC 76

Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems - Part 3: Guidelines for the safe use of intense pulsed light source equipment on humans

60.60 Standard published

TC 76

Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems - Part 4: Measuring methods

60.60 Standard published

TC 76

Safety of laser products - Part 19: Moving platform laser products

60.60 Standard published

TC 76

Safety of Laser Products - Part 20: Safety requirements for products intentionally exposing face or eyes to laser radiation.

40.99 Full report circulated: DIS approved for registration as FDIS

TC 76

Safety of Laser Products - Part 21: Automatic Emission Control (AEC)

20.99 WD approved for registration as CD

TC 76

Safety of machinery - Laser processing machines - Part 1: Laser safety requirements

60.60 Standard published

TC 76

Safety of machinery -- Laser processing machines -- Part 2: Safety requirements for hand-held laser processing devices

60.60 Standard published

TC 76

Safety of machinery — Laser processing machines — Part 2: Safety requirements for hand-held or hand-operated laser processing machines

30.60 Close of voting/ comment period

TC 76

Safety of machinery -- Laser processing machines -- Part 3: Noise reduction and noise measurement methods for laser processing machines and hand-held processing devices and associated auxiliary equipment (accuracy grade 2)

60.60 Standard published

TC 76

Eye and face protection - Protection against laser radiation - Part 1: Requirements and test methods

60.60 Standard published

TC 76

Eye and face protection — Protection against laser radiation — Part 2: Guidance on the selection and use of laser eye and face protection related to ISO 19818-1

20.99 WD approved for registration as CD

TC 76