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Graphical symbols for diagrams — Part 9: Pumps, compressors and fans

90.92 Standard to be revised

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Specification for diagrams for process industry — Part 1: General rules

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Specifications for diagrams for process industry — Part 2: Measurement and control

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Process measurement control functions and instrumentation — Symbolic representation — Part 1: Basic requirements

90.92 Standard to be revised

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Process measurement control functions and instrumentation — Symbolic representation — Part 2: Extension of basic requirements

90.92 Standard to be revised

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Process measurement control functions and instrumentation — Symbolic representation — Part 3: Detailed symbols for instrument interconnection diagrams

90.92 Standard to be revised

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Industrial process measurement control functions and instrumentation — Symbolic representation — Part 4: Basic symbols for process computer, interface, and shared display/control functions

90.92 Standard to be revised

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Technical product documentation — Simplified representation of pipelines — Part 1: General rules and orthogonal representation

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Technical product documentation — Simplified representation of pipelines — Part 2: Isometric projection

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Technical product documentation — Simplified representation of pipelines — Part 3: Terminal features of ventilation and drainage systems

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products — Structuring principles and reference designations — Part 10: Power supply systems

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products — Structuring principles and reference designations — Part 12: Construction works and building services

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation of products — Part 1: Basic rules

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Graphical symbols for diagrams — Part 1: General rules

40.99 Full report circulated: DIS approved for registration as FDIS

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Graphical symbols for diagrams — Part 2: Graphical symbols

50.00 Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products — Structuring principles and reference designations — Part 101: Modelling concepts, guidelines and requirements for power supply systems

50.20 Proof sent to secretariat or FDIS ballot initiated: 8 weeks

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products — Structuring principles and reference designations — Part 11: Power transmission and distribution systems

00.00 Proposal for new project received

ISO/TC 10/SC 10

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products — Structuring principles and reference designations — Part 12: Construction works and building services

00.00 Proposal for new project received

ISO/TC 10/SC 10