ISO/NP 25450

​​Sound Power Level and Sound Pressure Level Directivity Measurement of UAS​ ISO/NP 25450

General information

10.60 Close of voting   Dec 20, 2024


ISO/TC 20/SC 16 Unmanned aircraft systems

International Standard


This standard will specify the method for measuring the far-field sound pressure radiated from a UAS and the procedures for using those measurements to calculate the sound power level and the sound pressure level directivity for use in noise mapping.

The standard will also propose that the overall A-weighted sound power level is used to quantify the noise impact of a UAS.

Only the hover condition will be considered at this time. In the future, the standard should be extended to include straight and level flight, take-off, landing and other flight modes.

Life cycle


ISO/NP 25450
10.60 Close of voting
Dec 20, 2024