60.60 Standard published Jun 28, 2024
CLC/TC 86BXA Fibre optic interconnect, passive and connectorised components
European Norm
33.180.20 Fibre optic interconnecting devices
IEC 61754-13:2024 defines the standard interface dimensions for the type FC-PC family of connectors. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2006. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) revising normative reference reflecting the latest documents;
b) addition of intermateability in 5.2;
c) changes of dimensions of the plug connector interface in Table 2 and Table 3;
d) addition of Grade Am, Bm and Cm in Table 3.
EN 61754-13:2006
EN IEC 61754-13:2024
Standard published
Jun 28, 2024