ISO 17090-4:2014

Health informatics — Public key infrastructure — Part 4: Digital Signatures for healthcare documents ISO 17090-4:2014

Publication date:   Sep 24, 2014

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Oct 7, 2020

General information

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Oct 7, 2020


ISO/TC 215 Health informatics

International Standard

35.240.80   IT applications in health care technology



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ISO 17090-4:2014 supports interchangeability of digital signatures and the prevention of incorrect or illegal digital signatures by providing minimum requirements and formats for generating and verifying digital signatures and related certificates.
Furthermore, it defines the provable compliance with a PKI policy necessary in the domain of healthcare. This part of ISO 17090 adopts long-term signature formats to ensure integrity and non-repudiation in long-term electronic preservation of healthcare information.
This part of ISO 17090 conforms to ISO/ETSI standards for long-term signature formats to improve and guarantee interoperability in the healthcare field.
There is no limitation regarding the data format and the subject for which the signature is created.

Life cycle


ISO 17090-4:2014
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Oct 7, 2020


ISO 17090-4:2020